
Hi! I’m Shelby and I’m the SouthxMidwest Lady who loves casseroles, iced tea, and rye whiskey.

I’m a daughter, grand-daughter, wife, and mother to 2 young boys. Most of my recipes featured here have either been passed down to me or remind me of a special time! This website is a personal project with the ultimate goal to complete a Johnson Family cookbook.

I would also like to profess that I am NOT a chef whatsoever and have no formal training. I am a biologist by education so if I nerd out or get technical in odd places - THAT’S where that comes from.

Where does my blog name ‘SouthxMidwest’ come from?

Born in TX (1987-1990) > grew up in Michigan and Missouri (1990-2009) > Back to TX (2009-current)

Hence, I live in the South by way of the Midwest!

A few years ago I took a dialect quiz that could identify where you grew up based on what you called things or the way you pronounced certain words and I was so impressed that it pegged me as a blend of Michigan, Missouri, and Texas!